Sunday, January 15, 2012

Another House Guest

Last Sunday I was at home hanging out in my room reading.  Since it has been windy lately I have started leaving my back door open so that I can a breeze.  All of the sudden I heard the dogs outside of my door running and round and barking so I went to go see what was going on and I saw this iguana sitting right outside of my door.  I screamed and ran for Elvis next door to come and get rid of it.  I was screaming because I wasn't sure if it would be aggressive or not.  When I ran into Kris and Elvis's house hysterical they are all calm so then I realized that I must have been over reacting so I asked if they are aggressive and they are like "No" they don't do anything until less you corner them and are attacking them.  A few minutes later Elvis came to my house and put the iguana on a broom pole and put him up in a tree so that the dogs would leave him alone.  As Elvis put the iguana on the stick the iguana was all calm and cool about it like thanks from saving me from these annoying dogs.  I had never been afraid of iguana before but when you see one at your door that looks like it is about to come in your house it is a whole different story.  Lesson learned no need to be afraid of  iguanas in the future.

Mr. Iguana

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