Thursday, April 12, 2012

First Day back in Panama Service in a Month

First day back.  So after my month long vacation in Washington and in Mexico it is time to get back to work. I arrived back in Panama on a Thursday afternoon with hopes make it in time for our Thursday night meeting but with going through immigration in the airport and traffic I wasn't back to my house until about 6pm and our meeting starts at 5pm so I wasn't able to make it to the meeting.  It was nice to back "home".  I cleaned at little got some food and went to sleep tired from the long night and day of traveling.  I was planning on trying to go in service on Friday but I slept through my alarm and woke up at 11am.  I guess my body need more rest then I thought.  So Friday I went grocery shopping and went and visited a couple of friends from the hall letting them know that I was back and then went to bed early still tired from traveling and trying to readjust to the heat again.  Saturday morning I woke up on time and went out in service.  It felt so good to back out in service in our territory here.  It was great to see so many from the hall in the morning and be back in the territory.  I was happy to be back to our dirt road territories and really having bible conversations with people in the territory.  Here are few pictures from that day.

Naomi, my picture taker.  You will notice that one of the pictures is from a low angle, it is because Naomi was taking the pictures for me.

Grenda and Annie
It is nice to be back here in Panama in the preaching work with my congregation.  I can't believe that I have now been living in Panama a year.  Time flies by when you are in the work of the Lord.  Since I have been here a good period to time it is nice because I finally am not guess so much of how things are done here and I feel like a part of the congregation.  After being in Washington for a month it was hard to come back to the heat here.  I enjoyed my cool/cold Seattle days but I missed the sun to.  Happy to be "home".

1 comment:

  1. I'd wondered where you were! Glad you're back and enjoying service. I know your congregation is happy to have you back. :)
