Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cute Little Guy In Search of Water

In service we were walking and I looked down in this bunch of grass and guess what I saw.  Yup this little baby turtle.  I don't know where he came from because there wasn't any water around and we didn't see any other turtles.  We looked for water to put him in but we couldn't find any water that wasn't going to dry up so the sister took her home with him.  She is the mom of the little girl that was over last week.  The little girl was happy to take the little turtle home.  I hope that they give him a cute name I will keep you all posted when I find out his name or if you have a good name recommendation let me know.


  1. She could call it Tortuga. Well, I guess that's not much of a name in Spanish. :-) You could call it Sam, for the Samaritan at the well who was also in search of water, the life-giving kind. :-)

  2. My friend Betty suggested Harold, because you found him while heralding the good news. He kind of does look like a Harold.
