Saturday, September 3, 2011

One thing I miss from Washington

I don't really miss alot of things from the states but I miss my shower head from my parents house in Washtington.  The shower head in the bathroom that I use is super strong you feel like you might get washed away sometimes.  You have to be careful not to stay in the shower to long because you can easily use up almost all of the hot water in the water heater if you take a super long shower.  I wish I could have that shower head here.  Here is a photo of my current shower head and its drizzle.
As you can see not much comes out at once which is the total opposite of my shower in Washington.  This is also what is called a suicide shower head because the electricity is hooked up directly to heat the water.  I have used this kind of shower head before in when I lived in Costa Rica and it was nice because you never ran out of hot water and as long as you don't touch it you won't get shocked.  For some reason this one give me problems I can only seem to get hot water 25% of the time which is normally fine because it is hot here but some mornning when it is cool it makes for unpleasant showers.  I am hoping when i move to the other place that since the shower head is new that I will have more then a drizzle but we will see.  So all of you enjoy your powerful shower heads.


  1. Wow. Must take an hour to bathe yourself in the slow drip!!

  2. I would almost opt for a nearby river or lake. And you know how I feel about lakes, Leah. Cesspools. :-)
