Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Venga tu Reino District Convention

Weekend before last we had our District Convention here in Spanish.  It was a great convention and extra special for our congregations because we had 3 from out hall get baptized and all 3 of our elders had talks at the convention and one of them even gave the public discourse on Sunday.  They all did a wonderful job.  They are 3 very hard working brothers.  Here are some pictures from the convention.
Group from El Nance where I live waiting on the bus to pick us up on Friday morning.

On the bus on the way to the convention. It takes about 40 mins to get to the Assembly Hall from where I live.

One of our Elders giving a talk on Friday.

The 3 from our Hall that were getting Baptized.  The 2 on the left are married.
Alexandar got a little emotion about finally getting baptized.  She grew up in the truth but never made it her own and left the truth and got married and had a kid.  Finally she has changed her life around and is ready to be baptized.  She is from Columbia so she was a little sad to not be able to share this day with her family because the majority of them are all witnesses.

Does this speaker look out of place to you? Here in Panama there is a huge chinese population.  During our convention there was also a small chinese convention being held at the same time in a back kingdom hall behind the stage.  I think there top attendance was 88.  So if you speak chinese there is a huge need here in Panama for chineses.

This brother gave a interview about how he use to be in the US military and like women and money and how he changed his life and now is a special pioneer here with his wife.  His interview was very interesting.  He has give a talk at our hall he is very nice and I never would have guessed what his pasted was like.  It is wonderful to see how the bible really does change peoples lives.
This a picture from the Saturday afternoon drama where the young witness girl is interested in a worldly boy.  The brother playing the worldly boy here was excellent he could be a real actor.  He was in the english drama to.

2 sisters from my hall with there bible studies.  These 3 little girls are so sweet.  I had a hard time learning there names and so they helped me practice and were so happy for me when I finally got it down.

This is the mom of sister in the picture above on the right.  She is studying and has been for years and comes to meeting but gambling is holding her back from making more progress.  Gambling is really big here.  She is always super stylish I call her my beautiful so we too a picture together.  She looked wonderful all 3 days of the assembly but the best on Sunday.  And she holding up her hand so that you don't miss her beautiful nails.  The ways she is always put together so beautiful makes me think of my mom always has nails hair and dressed super cute.

Our coordinator and his wife and daugther.  Wonderful family.  He gave the public discourse on Sunday and did a excellent job.
On the right is the couple I live with Elvis and Kris and on the left is Kris mom and sister.  They are both very sweet and come to visit often.  Elvis gave a great talk on Sunday, the last part of the symposium on Jesus qualities he brought it home.

From serious elder Elvis in the above picture to relaxed down to earth Elvis.  On Sunday after the convention when we were on the way home Elvis thought it would be a great idea to do interviews with his umbrella of everyone on the bus to see what part at the convention they liked best and affected them most.  It was fun and very interesting to here everyone responses and very entertaining.

Elvis interviewing one of the other elders.

Elvis interviewing Kelly a sister from Columbia.  He tried to end the interview 3 times but Kelly is a talker so we were all dieing of laughter as she kept on talking.
So those are a few highlights from the convention.  Hope you enjoyed all of pictures.

1 comment:

  1. How fun to have such a huge "carpool" to and from the assembly! Congratulations to the three new brothers. :)
