Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Toad that wanted to be a Prince

So last night was a interesting night, I had a unwanted visitor in my bed!

Before I went to bed i heard some noise in my kitchen and I noticed that a toad had gotten in by sneaking under my front door which has about a 2 inch gap between it and the floor.  This has happened before but normally they come in look for bugs and let themselves out so it hasn't bothered me much, but last night was different.  I had got to sleep and then at about 2 am for some strange reason I woke up some and had opened my eyes just in time to see something fly by my head.  At first I was thinking it was just my imagination but then I had moved my had to another part of my pillow and my hand touched something wet and sticking.  That scared me so I got out of bed and turned on the light.  I found this toad sitting very comfortably on my pillows right next to where my head was.  I grabbed the pillow and took it off of my bed and sat it on the floor and he hopped off.  Then I tried to chase him out of my house but he was jumping so high and far that I wasn't making much progress so I grab my garbage can put over the top of him and figured I would deal with him in the morning.
When I was tell my sister about what happened she was like he must have been trying to kiss you so that he could become a prince.  He needs to find another girl for that because I am not ok with that.  This morning I had my neighbor come and take him out of my house and he put him way back in the back part of the property.  Hopefully he won't come back.
I had put off buying something to cover up the gap under my front door but this morning I went to the hardware store and bought something so hopefully this will be the last of the toads coming in my house.

The Toad that wanted to be Prince resting peacefully on my pillow.

The toad covered my garbage.
Though all of this I am surprised that I never screamed and managed to remained pretty calm.   It was a little hard to go back to sleep after that.  At first I didn't want to turn off the lights so I just sat on the edge of my bed for a few minutes and then I was ok and after about an hour I was finally able to go back to sleep.

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