Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Saturday Service

Last Saturday we had service in one of our far out territories.  Since it is rainy season now some of the dirt roads are bad so as we drove to the territory we were not sure if we would be able to drive in or not but fortunately the road was good enough for us to drive on.  Since it had not rained the night before the road wasn't muddy but there were lots of cracks where the rain had eroded part of the dirt.  On the way in this was not problem just required you to drive slow as we go up and down hill picking the best path so the car wouldn't get stuck.  It is always nice to do these kinds of territory because normally the people are all really nice and ask you to sit down and share several scriptures with them and then give them magazines.  Here are few pictures of us preaching.
Doris and Celeste coming back from a house a ways down a little path.

Four of us went down a path together since it is so isolated and we were all sister we stuck closer together.  To get to this house we had to cross a little stream.

The Sanchez's at the bottom of the hill hoping that they don't have to climb it.  The picture doesn't show how big and steep the hill is.
I got about half way up and and then was told that me and my partner weren't going that way but the other way so I had climbed it for nothing.  But as you can see it is steep and there are big craves in the road.  My car couldn't make it up this hill so I had to leave at the bottom of the hill.

The Batista's car also know as Jimmeto made it up the hill no problem it is 4 wheel drive and they are great drives.  Even if the road looks scary they like never get nervous but I guess as they went farther into the territory the road got worse and Br. Batista actually got a little nervous because the road was so bad so I can only image how bad it must have been.  Sometimes walking is the safest thing to do.
Me crossing the little river.
Break time after all of our walking.  I decide to get drinks for the 4 of us.  It cost me $1.35 for 3 cokes and 1 malta, not to bad 4 drinks.  I don't now how I will get back to coffee breaks in the states, the food might be better but can't beat the price here.

Doris and Grenda enjoying drinks after are trek in the jungle.
It was a great morning full of good conversation.  As we were leaving my car was packed full of people because there were only 2 cars for the whole group people were packed in tightly in both cars.  Leaving was a little more difficult because I had to go up some hills to get out.  It was going good at first as I manuvered around the craves in the road but I got to one hill and there were so many craves I couldn't avoid them all so I went for what I thought was the best way which almost worked but when my front tire went down in the craves it could get good grip of the dirt so it started spinning.  Fortunaly I had Annie Batista with me who is always so calm and knows how to drive in these conditions great so she said just back up a tiny bit and you should be able to get of the whole.  So everyone but one sister got out of the car and I back up down the hill a tiny bit and was able to get out of the whole.  If it would have been on flat ground it wouldn't have made me nervous but the fact that I was on a steep hill made me nervous.  I am so happy that Annie was with me and that she was so clam about it.  Jehovah help me stay calm and drive on out no problem.  After that my heart was racing so I was glad service was done for the day.  In the end we all had a great morning and were able to talk to some people and bring praise to Jehovah.


  1. Wow! Remember backing your CRV up those long skinny driveways on Mercer Island? Now you're navigating rutted, washed out mountain roads. You are truly an intrepid pioneer. Take it as it comes and face it head on! We're so proud of you.
    Love, Dan and Lexie

  2. Wow! How in the world do you guys even find those houses to begin with! Glad there were experienced drivers in the group! Walking definitely looks safer. :)
