Monday, October 24, 2011

The Nanny

We had some puppy's come visit one day before they went off to there permanent homes.  One was going to a sister in my hall and the other was going so someone else.  There are already 2 dogs where I live.  In the first picture is Marty and he was the babysitter of the new puppies.  He instantly started smelling them and licking them.  He really liked the puppies and instantly became a great dad for the day.  Marty sleeps in the front of my neighbors house on the porch so he when we were going to my place he decide that he didn't want the puppies to wonder off so he made them stay on the porch also.  When they tried to get down and explore he gently moved them by putting his mouth around there necks and showing them where they could stay.  By the end of the day he had them trained and they just stayed on the porch.  He was very sad when they left to go there home.  He would be a great dad.
Marty the nanny.
The puppies always curious checking everything out.

The little brown on in the front went to a sister in my hall she is super happy to have him and he now has a great life.  They named him Beko after some soccor player and he has his one little house outside and tons of toys.  Before that the people that had the puppies didn't take care of them so they had tons of fleas on them but now his well taken care of.  Like proverbs says God's people take care of there animals.

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