Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fun at the Beach

It was nice this last Friday and Sunday evening I went to the Beach with some friends from the congregation the water was perfect on sunday it was bath tube water warm.  Hope you enjoy some pictures of our beach times.
We went to a beach called RioMar which means River and Ocean.  There is a river that meets up with the ocean and when the tide is low you can walk across to a pretty beach but on Friday the tide was high as you can see so we couldn't cross so we went to a different part of the beach.

This Kris with her mom and sister. Kris is in the middle.

So since we couldn't be in the area we wanted we came to a different part of the beach.

There was very little sandy area but on the rock there was a cool dug out part that you could sit in while the wave came up around you.

Kris Loves the beach and knows how to swim but she likes to us a life jacket sometimes.  She didn't get in the water this day so she was mainly watching so her mom started calling her Baywatch.

Kris and her baby Jockey.  Her dogs love the beach.
Sunday late afternoon we went to the beach again.  Since I love the beach I was happy to be going again.  We went back to the same beach RioMar but this time the tide was out so we could easily pass the river and get to the side that we wanted to be on.
Kris and Jockey enjoying the River.

This is Kelly a sister in my hall and her sister in law and her 3 sons.  The sister in law isn't a witness but she and the kids are studying.  Both of there husband work together so they are together alot.  The kids were so excited to be at the beach again.

Elvis and the youngest boy.  The little boy is a little scaried of the water but with Elvis's help he had a great time as you can see.  Elvis is great with kids and since the boys dad works alot I am sure they enjoyed being around another male.

Oh Yeah Oh Yeah the water was perfect we all really enjoyed it.

The boys wanted one last dip in the river as we were leaving.  The tide had come up some so Elvis had to help little Ronald get across.
A great time at the beach is always so relaxing.  I am truely spoiled by the warm water here in Panama.

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