Friday, October 21, 2011

The frog that tried to sneak in!

One evening I was sitting in my room talking to my niece on Skype and I looked at the widow and this is what I saw.

Yup a frog.  He managed to stick his head in the window because I didn't have the window all the ways closed so I took a broom and encouraged him to take his head out of my house.  He listened and took his head out of my house but then he just hung out on the window.  He climbed to the top of the window and stayed there for like an hour then disappeared.  That is the first time that I saw a frog around my house and first time I saw one climbing a window.  In my opinion he was kind of cute so he didn't really bother me I just didn't want him to come inside and start hopping around.  I also have a toad that likes to sneak in under my front door and go in living room and look for bugs.  I am always chasing him out because I don't like the presents that he leaves behind for me. :(  I prefer the frog over the toad.  We will see if the frog comes back again.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know, a frog coming into my house would be okay, I think. I mean, as compared to other things. Like spiders. Giant spiders. I'm not sure I could live someplace that had no screens on the windows! But that is a totally cute picture. :)
