Thursday, October 13, 2011

My New Washing Machine

Since I moved into my new place I had to buy a washing machine so I opted for a cheap washer so my washing machine is only semi automatic so the first time I used it was experience.  It was funny because Kris the wife of the couple I rent from was helping me figure it out but they have a fully automatic washing machine so she didn't know how to us it either so we figured it out together.  You would think since I am living in a Spanish speaking country that they words on the washing machine and the directions on how to use it would be in Spanish but they are all in English.  I find to so weird because if was Panamanian and trying figure it out I don't know what I would have done.  Any who this is my new washer.  On one side you wash and rinse the cloths and on the other side it spins them to wring them out.  It actually works really well and once I wring them out they are surprisingly dry so here is the process to wash.

Washing Machine

Spinner side

Spinner side.  It is rather small on this side.  The other side can hold alot of clothes so I had to split my load up in to 2 parts when I was wring it out because the spinning side is so small.

Washing and rising compartment.

This chicken decide to watch me as I was washing.  It was rather annoyed with me because she was trying to lay an egg so she got annoyed with me being in there so I had to have Kris come take her out like 3 times while I was trying to wash.

Final Step hang out laundry to dry.
This process is rather time consuming but necessary.  It normally takes me almost a whole morning to get all of my clothes washed and out to dry.  It is funny when I am in washing I put off washing because I thought of it as a time consuming task and now it takes way longer and I am much better at staying on top of it, it has become part of my weekly routine.  If I wait more then a week the clothes seem to really pile up.  With it being so hot here you seem to change clothes more and go through things alot more.  Hope you find this little glimpse in to everyday life interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I love the chicken. I'm sorry, I know you don't! But it's funny. Well, at least with it being so hot, the clothes will dry quickly!
