Friday, October 7, 2011

Jehovah takes care of his Sheep

On Tuesday morning after we finish door to door service I was going to go with another sister on a couple of her studies but on the first study that we were on I got stung by a bee like insect.  The bug had been flying around me but I thought I had finally got it away from me only to realize that it had landed on my side under my arm.  When I put my arm down I crushed the bug and it stung me. :(  I instantly lifted up my arm and found the bug sticking out of my arm.  I pulled it out of my arm quickly.  The sister giving the study had a water bottle that she had froze so she gave me that to put on it and we continued the study.  I was going to try to continue in service but the bee sting was starting to swell so I decide that it would be best if I went home and iced it and took some benadryl.  It is better now but still swollen and bothers me some when I move my arm around a ton.  Under your arm is a very sensitive area and a annoying area because you can't sit regular if you don't want your under arm touching anything.  Today in service we were suppose to be going to one of our far out country territories so I decided that I was not going to go because I knew today would be alot of walking and that it would bother my arm and it is already hot at 7am so between the heat and the walking I thought it would be bad for my arm.  I was awakened this morning by the sister that lives next door telling me that Br/Dr Batista one of our elders that is a doctor was going to be stopping by in a few minutes to see how I was doing to I should get dressed.  So I hurried and changed.  About 5 minutes later he was here and wanted to see how my arm was to make sure that it wasn't getting infected or anything and he had written a prescription for me to get to help my arm get better and to help with the inflammation.  It is great to have a doctor/shepard in the hall that is always watching over us spiritually and physically.  When I moved here I got rid of my health insurance and now I have better quality service and for free.  I can truly say that Jehovah's way is always the best way ever time.   Jehovah truly takes care of his sheep.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your arm is feeling better by now. And that you can avoid stinging critters in the future. :)
