Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My New Place and First House Guest

I am officially in my new house.  It is a one bedroom.  The bedroom is huge!  The couple I rent from us to have a small little studio apartment that they rent out that had a bathroom out side that you walked to but now they remodeled it and connected the bathroom and the front room and put in a kitchen.  Where the kitchen and family room are is what use to be the studio apartment and the bedroom is distance that separated the studio from the bathroom.  It turned out to be a nice place.  There are still a few things to be done like finish painting, putting title in the front room and put more title in the bathroom, put screens on the windows and they want to put in a drop ceiling but it is ready to be live in for now and as they get more money they will finish that stuff up.  It has a nice high ceiling which is great because it help keeps it cool but it is also a little noisier when it rains because I here the rain hitting the zinc roof but it doesn't bother me much.
My New couch and chairs.

My Refrigerator, dining room table, and washer which is not outside.

The Kitchen

Bedroom, and dresser. This is just one corner of my room.


My first house Guest.  Kris and Kelly came over one day after we had gone on some studies together and we made lunch together.

Kelly taking a break from cooking relaxin on my new couch.

Time for lunch.

Nail time.  Kris did Kelly's nails after lunch.
Once I finish getting everything organized and make it a little nicer i will put new pictures up to show how my place looks with all of stuff in it.  A sister in the hall is going to help me paint and get curtains which I think will make it look really homey.  It is strange for me to realize that I now have more things here in Panama then in Washington.

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