Saturday, August 13, 2011

Back In Panama

I have been living in Panama for the last 5 months but I did not do a blog for those months but I have decided now to give it a go and see how it goes. I arrived back in San Carlos, Panama on Thursday August 11, 2011.  It is wonderful to be back but at the same time sad because I will miss seeing friends and family on a daily basis but I think that sacrifice is well worth it and I know that my family and friends understand.  Thank you everyone for being so supportive and not making this any harder on me then it already is.  I am currently staying with a couple in my congregations named Kris and Elvis until the little house that I will be moving in is done so here is a few photos of where I am currently living.

This is the house that I am leaving in until the house I will be moving to is finished.

This is jockey he is one of the couple that I live with dogs he is really nice, loving and funny.

This is the room that I am currently living in.

This is the other half of the room that I am in it is pretty big I like it and feel very comfortable here.

These are a few of the residents that live on the property. The chick is like 2 weeks old you know when it 6am because they are ready to be feed so they make alot of noise.

This is the back of the house.  It is a big mango that the couple loves to sit under when it is hot because it is much cooler out there then in the house.

This will be my one bedroom house in a couple of weeks.  It was originally a studio that had a bathroom outside but they decide to turn it into a one bedroom house so they have connected the bathroom to the studio.  The bedroom is huge.  I am very excited about it, when it is done I will post pictures of it.


  1. Yay! You caved in to the pressure. :) Thanks for letting us live vicariously through you. Looking forward to seeing & hearing more!

  2. What a great start to your blog. I love seeing these pictures. It makes it much easier to do without you! We are missing you and your babies say they love you. Caleb says "I miss you and love you and we are wanting to see you." Abigail says "Eeeaah." :-)

  3. It looks really awesome there. Really happy to see you back in action and all ready to get back to your assignment of choice. It was great seeing you and working with you while you were up here. When we are in the DR please email us and maybe make a trip? Wishing you the best!

  4. that little chick is very cute. You should name it Peeps and make it your pet. Glad to see you are a blogger now :)
