Monday, August 22, 2011

English District Convention

This past Friday through Sunday was the English District Convention here in Panama.  I was able to go all 3 days of it and I throughly enjoyed it.  It was nice to see some of the people that I met last year when I was here with my sister and brother-in-law.  Also here in Panama the culture is very friendly so it was nice getting to met new people some who came from the states and some that are from Panama.  The Assembly Hall where the Convention was at is outdoors so you are exposed to the element which meant that I was sweating almost the whole weekend.  On Sunday it cooler down for about 1 1/2 hours and rained a little bit and before that there was lots of lightening and thunder but it wasn't to loud so it wasn't  to distracting.  Here are a few pictures of the Convention and people I met and were able to reunite with. 
The Assembly Hall here is out side so here is view from the back of the Assembly Hall.

View from my seat. Mountains and trees and forest. Very pretty.
2 Really nice sister I met that are from Oregon that I found out I had talked to last year over the phone before they came to panama because they are friends with some one that knows my sister.  Funny how small the witness world is.
Me and a nice sister name Christina that I met that is from New Orleans here serving in David for 2 mths.
In the middle is a couple (Naomi and Chris Greer) from Seattle with a newly baptized brother that is in Changinola but was living in Wentachee for years and his little nephew on the other side.

3 were Baptized.  The brother that gave the talk is missionary originally from Spain he is now serving in one of the indigenous langauages and when I talked to him he said that he feels more fluent in indigenous language.

The brother being interviewed was in New Orleans helping with the disaster relief there for I think over a year and now works here on the building commitee.  There was resently some flooding here in the lower part if Panama so he helped organize that.
This is Br Marshall he partake and you can tell because he give some excellent talks that are very deep was glad that he gave like 3 or 4 talks.
This is the McDouwls.  They are a missionary couple orginanally from LA that have been here for 20 years.  He gave a excellent talk on sunday he is one of those brother that when he gives a talk you want to say Amen.  He had lots of great examples and little saying, one was that we should be like the oak tree that does move in the went but the palm tree that moves with the wind and doesn't break easily.  He even moved his body as he was saying it.  Great speaker wished he would have given more talks.
This is Amy I met her last year she a faithful older sister from Colon that thought me and Lesley were just so cute so I had to get a picture with her this year.  She says hi to you Lesley and that you need to come back.
The Sunday drama.  They are special pioneer couple that was in Almirante where me and Lesley and Dustin were last year but are now in Colon.  She was interviewed about over coming trials.  It was a great interview.  She talked about how she was in service and saw another sister get hit by a big 18 wheeler truck right in front of her and how she is over coming it and that at first she didn't want to pray or read the bible because she was so traumatized but little by little started praying again and was able to cope with her feelings of guilt for having asked the sister to come in service with her that day.  They are a awesome couple that truely relys on Jehovah and doing there most for him.
This Chris Greer him and his wife which a picture of them is below are serving on Isla Colon in Bocas English.  He is holding up there gilead application that they just got they are excited to fill it out.

This is Chris and Naomi Greer from Seattle great hard working pioneer couple.

The other view from my seat.  So pretty but so HHHOOOOTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of sweating and fanning.


  1. Convention looked like great fun and encouragement. Amy looked cute and so did you.

  2. What a wonderful venue for a convention! But I feel sorry for all the brothers with long sleeves and jackets!

  3. Wow. Thank you for all these neat details. The brothers and sisters you wrote about were very encouraging to me! It sounds like the convention was a lot like Queretaro, Mexico, where there are so many there who are need-greaters, special pioneers, etc. They really enhance the event. Good blogging, Leah!
