Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Living in Panama

The name of the area that I am currently living in is called El Nance de San Carlos.  One of the things that I am having to adjust to is that we do not always have water.  In this area we have water every day from 4am to 9pm.  You would think of that is pretty good which it is but when are not use to it, it takes some getting use to.  I never realized that not being able to use the bathroom after 9pm would be hard but then i realized that I drink alot of water at night which can be problematic.  So now I have been trying to make sure to stop drinking water around 7pm  and try to make sure I go one last time at about 855pm.  I learned that cities clock must run fast because the last 2 nights when I went to the bathroom at 855pm the water was already cut off which is not a problem to flush the toliet because you have one flush but then you can't wash your hands so I had to come up with back up plan because not washing your hand after using the bathroom is just gross, above you will see my back up hand washing.  Also sometime there will be a day with no water so the couple I live with always has a bucket that is the shower for back up water to use the bathroom with and shower.
Since the couples house that I am living at right now has lots of chickens some times they get bold and decide to come inside which is rather annoying.  At least they are all nice chickens and they won't peck you but there is 2 of the blacks ones that are always coming in.  One day i took it out of the house over 10 times it was driving me crazy.  It is hot to close the door so it is just something you have to deal with.
Unwanted house guest.


  1. Well, maybe you should name the chickens, and that way you think of them as pets! :)

  2. I tried the raspberry lemonade mate! it is delicious
