Sunday, August 14, 2011

Kingdom Hall

Here is the outside of our Kingdom Hall.

Here is the inside of our kingdom hall.  It can fit i think around over 100 but as of now we only have a little less then 40 publishers and 6 of them are new since I have been here.

This is our Elder body. We have as you can see 3 elders.  The one on the right is a regular auxillary pioneer and is a doctor for work so he is involved in the hospital liason commitee, the one in the middle is the one husband of the couple that I live with he is our newest elder I think he as been a elder a little over a year and he is a pioneer and went to MTS when he was younger and the brother on the left is the secertary and school overseer.


  1. That's a nice Hall! I bet it gets very full for Memorial!

  2. My goodness those brothers are busy! They will be in our prayers. So will you. :-) I bet it's really nice to not be the only pioneer. :)
