Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rainy Service

It is now raining season here in Panama which is nice because that means that it is cool outside but that also means that is more humid and going in service in the rain and mud.  Today was the first time that I have been out when it was raining.  One other morning it was raining in June but it was raining so hard that service was cancelled.  It wasn't to bad at first this morning it just reminded me of being in service in Seattle but warmer but then it started down pouring but that was ok because we had just about finished up service for the morning.  The territory that we worked in today is down a dirt road so coming back the road was bad but all 3 cars made it out just fine with alittle bit of fish tailing where the mud was really deep.
At last not using our umbrellas for the sun.
Muddy road.

1 comment:

  1. Cute parasol in the first picture, Leah. Doo you have matching mud boots? I don't think I would want to wear sandals in that terrain.
