Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Over the River Through the Jungle we Go.

Yesterday was a interesting adventure in service.  I had the priveledge of going down a steep hill and then over a river and up a steep hill to get to 4 house that were in the territory today.  Since it is rainy season now the path was a little slick but not to bad because it had been drying out all morning long and yesterday was a really hot day so things dried fast.

Me getting ready to go down the hill and cross the river.

The river from the top of the hill.  The water was nice and cool and refreshing as we went through it.
This is my partner Annie.  She has a study over this river so she makes this trip often but she says sometimes she can't make it across when the water is really high from the rain.  She is a pioneer and a very hard work, she went to school to be a doctor but when it was time for her to get a job she decided that she would rather give herself to Jehovah fully and pioneer.  Her dad is a doctor and an elder in our hall and is a regular auxillary pioneer and her mom is pioneer.  There family is big help in the hall and they are all very hard workers.
After we finish this section of the territory we ended up going to another area that was down a long dirt road that normally the people have to walk out to and it takes about 30 or 40 mins to walk it.  We drove in my car and gave the few house that were there invitations to the convention it was really pretty there so here are a few pictures.



  1. Wow, I guess sandals are a must-have for service in that area! And maybe a walking stick? :)

  2. Hey Leah Do you remember me ? From Cabo san Lucas ! How are you girl ? I just love your pictures ! I am glad your doing awesome ! and how the weather didn't bother when it comes to enjoy Spiritual Food !...Hope to see ya soon dear.

    Lots of Love.


  3. Well, if you've got to traverse such crazy territory, at least you have a doctor with you. I bet she's a popular person to work with. :-)
