Thursday, December 1, 2011

Afternoon at the Beach with my Study

I have a study with 4 different moms that are all sister so I have gotten to know the mom's and there kids some.  Two of the older girls that are in middle school and high school had a vacation week so they asked me to take them to the beach on day since they don't have a car to get there so I agreed and so several of the kids came and there dog to.  Here are a few pics of our beach afternoon.
In the Car on the way to the Beach

At last we are the beach but oh know Angel fell.

This is Joevana and one of her 3 kids named Gretil.  Gretil didn't really want to go in the water so she stayed on the beach for a while.

Poor Angel fell in the sad so he came to his mom to have her fix him up.  She wiped him off and back to the water he went.

This is Gunfee.  She loves the water.  They love there dog, they treat her like a family member which is rare to see here in Panama.  She has a great family.  I guess when she was a puppy she broke her back and thought that she was going to die but she made it through it.  Since she couldn't walk for a while they had to carry here outside to go to the bathroom and stuff but now she is just fine.  They really love her.  She is a good dog.

Everyone in the Water except me and Gretil.  The waves were to big for little Gretil so I stayed and watched her.

Gretil keeping me company.

Got to love the beach.
The beach was beautiful.  The waves were a little big so it made it a little hard with the kids but at the end of the day everyone had a good time and is ready to go back.  I really hope that this family makes progress.

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