Friday, December 23, 2011

Meeting in the Dark

Last Thursday the power went out in the afternoon around 3pm but even though the power was out meeting plans went ahead as normal.  Other times the power has been out before meeting but it always came back in the beginning of the meeting or at least in the middle of meeting but not this last Thursday.  Meeting starts at 5pm so it wasn't dark when meeting started but as the meeting progressed it got darker and darker.  Since there was no music for the first song it was hard to get started but a couple of people knew the melody of the song so the brother did 1, 2, 3 and we started and it went ok.  At the being having no power was no big deal everyone just tried to talk louder for there comments.  As the evening progressed it got darker and darker and people started using there cell phones as lights and a couple of people had flash lights.  For the next song one of the brother came up with a great idea of how to play music for the song.  Elvis pulled the back of his car up the the window in the Kingdom Hall and put the CD in his car and played the music.  He has a speaker in the back of his car so it worked out great.  As it got darker it got harder for the speaker to be able to see his notes so one of the other brother would stand behind him and hold up a flash light on his notes so he could see.  It was a cool evening so even though there weren't any fans it wasn't to hot in the Kingdom Hall.  Over all the meeting went really good and everyone was happy seeing how we were able to have the meeting even though there were no lights.  After ward those of us with cars made sure that everyone made it home safe since it was so dark out.  It was over all a great meeting and everyone left energized seeing how great it all turned out.  Holy Spirit is amazing.
If you can see it this at all there is the speaker and the other brother behind him holding a light up for him.

1 comment:

  1. When I was a kid I loved it if there was no power during a meeting! Sounds like everyone improvised well. :)
