Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Prince Came Back

So the toad came back. :(  I think it was a different member of the family this time though.  I was in my room reading and I heard this loud splat sound come from the bathroom so I went to investigate and the toad was sitting right there on the floor look right at me like why are you looking at me crazy.  I went and got my garbage can again and tried to put him under it but in such a small space it is harder and a little more scary because he jumped toward me a couple of times.  He could jump really high and started to climb the walls.  I got him off the wall but he jumped toward me and I screamed.  I was trying to not scream because it was like 10:30 pm and I didn't want to wake any one up but I couldn't help it.  The next thing I know I heard a know at my front door and Elvis calling my name.  He came ready with a broom, some how he knew that it was a frog.  That is one of the great things about having a couple as my neighbor I know that if I need help they are right there to help me.  I guess Elvis had just gotten into bed when he heard me scream so he wasn't sleep yet.  I was very thankful for his help.  Trying to get him out of the bathroom was hard because it was such a small space.

Here i how the toad entered.  He must have climbed up the wall outside a ways and then he jumped in through this whole in my bathroom.  I think this is the same way that the one that jumped on my bed entered.

He wasn't to bad looking and man could he jump high.

To make sure that no more toads/frogs came in through my bathroom I duck taped the whole up and so far it has worked now more have come in through that whole. :)
The rest of the night I didn't sleep well because with every little noise I was wondering what it was as I lay in my bed, but I was at least happy to know for sure that if I screamed that Elvis would come to my rescue to save me from the animals of Panama.

1 comment:

  1. I thought of you when I found a couple of geckos in my room in Maui. One of them we couldn't catch ... hopefully he didn't stow away in our luggage! If it had been a frog, though, I would have searched for him more diligently! Glad you have help nearby. :)
