Sunday, December 4, 2011

El Cope - El Campo Country Territory

In service we were working one of the far out territories in an area called El Cope.  We meet a couples house that is on the way there and then finish driving to the territory.  It takes about 30 mins in car to get all the way to the territory.  The road isn't paved but the road isn't to bad it is just far back into the mountains but since it is so high up it has some great views.  You can see the oceans from some places and since it is kind of in the mountains it is a little cooler.  Here are some photos of our morning preaching there.
This is the group that was working the area that I was in and also Br Batista he was taking the photo.  He loves to take photos in service. Since they are from Panama city preaching in our rural territory is new for them to so he is always taking pictures.  On my left was my service partner for the morning.  She is a newer publisher so she still gets really nervous at doors but she did great and we had a great morning together.

The view plus if you look really hard you will notice that there is a house in the middle of all of the trees.  We went down this path and did some houses they were off the beaten path.  It still amazes me to see where some of these house are.  If you didn't know the area you would have no idea that there was a house.  We are always double checking with people when we see random little paths and asking if there are house down them and over 50% of the time there is.

Br Batista walked and did the house in the middle of nothing and we continued walking down the path.  I tried to get him at the house but he was leaving as I took the picture but if you look really hard he is behind the trees to the right of the house.

At last we made it out of the path back to civilization.  This day it wasn't to bad of a walk but one day I remember we went down this same path but then took another path that was off it and we were walking for what seemed liked for ever to me and I didn't feel good because i had a swollen bug bite and had no water but I survived only thanks to the help from a sister that was visiting me from WA Paris.  So this day when we were head in the same direction I was having flash back to that long morning and was relived when we didn't go down the other little path.  There were very few house in the area and there was something going on at the school so there was alot of not a homes but we had a nice time talking to each other and to the people when we did find them home.

2 more come out from the trail and just in time because like 2 minutes after it started raining hard.

Kris picking up people as we finished the territory.  She had a full car load.

The Back seat.  I count their were 9 the car.  Since there are so few cars when we do country territories we have to squeeze in but no one minds every one is happy to.  The friends really like doing the far out territories because the people are normally very friendly and it something different.
After we finished service we all regrouped at the couples house were we met for service as it rained.  The sister was very nice and gave everyone crackers and water as we sat for a little while and talked.  They are the newly baptized couple.  There house is nice but they don't have power so it makes things a little difficult but they manage.  There is only one house next to there so it is really peaceful and relaxing at there house.  Over all it was a very enjoyable morning.

1 comment:

  1. Only 9 in the car? ;-) Looks like everyone had an enjoyable time!
