Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Guess Whose Under There

Our Kingdom Hall here has grass, flowers and bushes around it so every couple of weeks we have to trim it down.  There is a brother from a near by hall that works outside that has voluntared to help maintain our hall since we have so few brother but this last time he wasn't availabe to do it so we had to find some one else to do it.  Guess who is all covered up and ready to do some weed wacking?

Under all of those protective clothes are 2 of humble elders.  They go from platform to yard work.  They are truely humble brother.  They don't let titles get in the way of things.  They are always ready to take care of the congregation even if it means getting dirty.

The 2 brothers on the right are the ones that are cutting the grass with the weed eaters.  They clean up really good.

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